When She Woke by Hillary Jordan

When She WokeWhen She Woke by Hillary Jordan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book revolves around a woman named Hannah Elizabeth Payne who had aborted her three-month unborn child to protect and hide the true identity of the father of her offspring and the love of her life―the Reverend Aidan Dale who is married to another woman―from the shame of hypocrisy and adultery. Found guilty by the jury, Hannah is injected with the virus that turns her skin red (a-scarlet-letter-like-punishment) to remind the people that she is a felon of murder of a human being, and in her case, her own flesh and blood, conceived from love and lust, and the Reverend's belief of a punishment for having lied to her wife in the past when he infected himself with the Scourge that made her infertile for a while until a cure was found and she was healed from sterility.
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